The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105093   Message #2161637
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Oct-07 - 01:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
Subject: RE: BS: Daniel Ellsberg: 'A Coup Has Occurred'
The Queen wouldn't shut down our banks! (grin) She wouldn't think of doing such a thing, and she wouldn't dare, and we wouldn't accept it if she tried. It would instantly end our national relationship with the British crown, I assure you. Look, she's like an elderly Aunt who lives across the ocean and visits very occasionally...a bit eccentric, but still the family is fond of her because she is part of the family history, you see. Just like you guys are fond of Mount Rushmore and Davy Crockett and Mark Twain. It's tradition. The only reason we still have a "Queen" is because it's a tradition.

Japan still has an emperor for the same reason, but the Emperor does not run Japan. He's a living symbol of national culture. So is the Queen. She doesn't run the UK, she doesn't run Canada, but she's a very important traditional symbol, that's all, and her job requires carrying out various procedural formalities and behaving in a dignified fashion.

That's it, period. The Queen is like a maiden Aunt whom you visit for tea on important occasions like Christmas and Easter.

The elected politicians run the UK and Canada and Australia and the rest of the former British Empire....and the big business community pulls the strings that run the elected well as your elected politicians. That's my opinion. Big Money runs the show.

I agree that bare majority rule does not in itself guarantee a decent system. Majorities can be totally wrong about things, and they can persecute minorities. That is why we have things like a Bill of protect minorities and individuals. You have the Bill of Rights. We have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Same basic deal. Same basic protections.

Can a dominion be a partial dominion? Darn right it can! ;-) My dachshund thinks he has dominion over this entire property, but he's mistaken about that. The Queen has far less dominion over Canada than even that, and she knows it! Give the poor old thing a break, man... ;-) She's making the best of a difficult situation. I wouldn't want her job.

Heh! Anyway, it's always fun talking about this with an American. We really are from different worlds, and every now and then it becomes evident. Still, we have a lot more in common than you might think. Just different traditions, that's all. We are equally keen on freedom, that's for sure.