The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104602   Message #2162173
Posted By: wysiwyg
02-Oct-07 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Organizing/Household Tips
Subject: RE: BS: Organizing/Household Tips
This is not a music thread-- hijacked AGAIN! ;~)

Medical tape on the fingers works much better than duct tape. I tape my finger picks on, after I tape my fingernail where the fingerpick would otherwise be digging in. The duct tape is for taping the instrument on, in the absence of a strap. (DO try this at home.) (Of course strapping tape would probably be better.... )

But the real answer for musical stick-to-it-ive-ness is Flapjack's percussion-meister TeiLhard (pron, Tay-AAARGGHHH)'s solution for just the right sound on the washboard-- big white painters' gloves with nut shell halves hot-glued on. Cute on stage, too-- he got the oversize mitts.
