The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105155   Message #2162276
Posted By: gnu
02-Oct-07 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Language/violence in films
Subject: RE: BS: Language/violence in films
I say Giok has got it right. Children are taught that their actions have no consequences. In films, on TV, in the courts. They are bombarded with violence as an acceptable solution to solving disputes and they bombarded with rudeness proffered as humour.

Even worse, I see such behaviour as commonplace in public. On the roadways, in the shops. It is apalling. I wonder why these basic SKILLS of good manners are waning and all I can think of is that they are being "taught" and seen as acceptable by these media.

Call me a prude... but, I say there is no excuse for poor manners. To say that the portayal and glorification of violence and rudeness in these media is acceptable is just plain fuckin bullshit.

But, hey! If you don't agree or care for what I say, you can turn the damn channel... until you are the one that gets bitten in the ass by this problem.