The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75099   Message #2162335
Posted By: beardedbruce
02-Oct-07 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who's Next? Iran or Korea?
Subject: RE: BS: Who's Next? Iran or Korea?
I'll respectfully disagree with your assesment, LH.

Whose propaganda is it that I SHOULD believe? I try to read all points of view, and determine what the actual facts are.

Everyone agrees that Iran has violated its obligations, and refuses to stop working on a nuclear device.

Can you show me any POV that does NOT have Iran threatening the present Israeli government and people?

Does, or does not, the US have treaty obligations if Israel is attacked?

If an attack is made on a treaty ally of the US ( such as Canada, NATO members, or Israel) with WMD ( of any kind- chimcal, biological, or nuclear), isn't it the stated policy of ALL US administrations ( as put forward by Truman on) that we will react with force up to and including nuclear weapons?

Is it not the responsibility of the US ( in its own interest) to prevent, when possible, the situation where the US is forced into a nuclear war?

And did not the European powers state ( several years ago) that the US should not act because they would resolve the problem and stop Iran's development of nuclear weapons? Are you claiming that they have been successful?

IF Iran demonstrates that it has a working nuclear weapon, I suspect that the amount of oil coming out of the middle east to ANY country over the next few decades ( it will take that long to put out the fires) will be minimal. Thus China will be drawn in, making it a global thermonuclear war.

And all because we don't want to have the UN hold Iran to the treaty obligations it agreed to when the UN gave it the civilian nuclear technology that Iran claims is all it is trying to develope.