The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105155   Message #2162750
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
03-Oct-07 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Language/violence in films
Subject: RE: BS: Language/violence in films
"The bible also spends a lot of time pointing out that the nefarious practices in there are wrong, and telling you you WILL pay."

True, and most of the movies and TV programs do the same.

There are also passages in the bible where God asks for animal sacrifices, and let's not forget God destroying Sodom & Gomorrah and killing everyone (including babies & children) while sparing Lot and his family - and Lot offered his daughters up to a mob of rapists, and let's not forget all the plagues and killings of first borns and other lovely subjects.

Obviously the bible teaches other messages. The point is, you can choose to walk away with whatever message you desire. When you focus on a violent scene in the move "Brothers" and fail to see the point of the movie, is that any different from re-interpreting the message of the bible?