The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105155   Message #2162784
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Oct-07 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Language/violence in films
Subject: RE: BS: Language/violence in films
The bottom line is, adults are responsible for what we take in and for what adults allow children to take in. I've never had any trouble finding out in advance what I may run into, or in turning off something that turned out to be beyond my taste.

That said, I personally do not enjoy Bible-based movies because (A) the visual so easily becomes recorded in our minds as reality and (B) one director's image of reality is smaller than whatever I can picture from hearing the Word and reflecting upon it. It isn't meant to be consumed via imagery, but by hearing.

This is equally true of other subject areas. Just last night I saw a GREAT program all about dragons that blends reality and fantasy in one cohesive program. It's so visually compelling that it's hard to see where the reality and fantasy divide-- purposely on the part of the filmmaker. The images will now interfere with my experience of fine writing that I hold dear, and I am sorry now that I watched it.

Tolerance for war is totally reflected in today's video games. Way beyond simulators that used to train people on expensive machinery, more sophisticated than our generations can grasp. Normative daily experience for bored, lonely children.

I think our culture is just making everything so instantaneous that our society is being hijacked, propagandized, and made able to accept just about any bullshit the "powers-that-be" care to dish out. I see Soylent Green right around the corner; I see computers preying on humans around the next corner; I see a whole lot of rape of the environment rushing past the thinking person faster than an individual can choke out a question, protest, or alternative.

This is a reactive society not by accident and not by ultimate design, but as a strategy for taking over what we hold dear for profiteers.

The movies are the tip of the iceberg.

They say when you boil a frog slowly they don't feel the heat till they die. I see not a fire but an iceberg making us numb-er, and numb-er, and numb-er. These iceberg tips-- don't be fooled by any single one, because the big picture is much scarier.
