The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105155   Message #2162923
Posted By: gnu
03-Oct-07 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Language/violence in films
Subject: RE: BS: Language/violence in films
Too much of the old word twisting in here for me. Usually, I attempt to make my own arguements and let others make thiers... not (mis)interpret others words or intent and purport such as supoort for my arguements.

There is a "T" intersection 20m from my driveway. There is a stop sign on the intersection. On average, on my way to my driveway, I pass thru this intersection 15 times per week. At least once a week, someone ignores the stop sign and I have to veer around them or slam on my brakes. As a precaution, when appraoching the intersection, I have my hand on the horn and drive slowly. At least half of those idiots who nearly cause an accident with me give me the finger and an angry look. I was not brought up that way.

Now... interpret that... ;-)