The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43849   Message #2164330
Posted By: GUEST,Chris Brady
05-Oct-07 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: BBC Treasure Hunt
Subject: RE: BBC Treasure Hunt
I have numerous Folkweave and Folk on 2 cassettes recorded for me by my mother when I emigrated into that folk and cultural vaccuum called rural New Zealand. I wonder if anyone is interested in doing anything with them? The group is amazing and I have just bought a load of CDs from them including Lines from My Grandfather's Forehead which no-one has re-issued yet. Does anyone know if is interested in re-issuing Folkweave or Folk on 2. Incidentally there is one excerp of Folk on 2 at my website at when Folk on 2 visited the Reading Cloggies Festival in 1982. It includes an obit. for Bert Lloyd. Chris Brady