The Lieutenant, now on his 5th listen to ELO's "TIME" album that day, he began to reminisce about the past.....a year or so ago, the ship he was serving on as an ensign in the deflector dish relay room--The Whale they got themselves into a confrontation with a Watashi invasion force. The Whale was pulling ambassador duty for the Kownti people, when the Watashi decided that their long-standing disagreement over who owned the rights to the dark matter fields around their sun, the star Rozimican. The captain of The Whale tried to resolve it, but the Watashi fleet were too much for them. They had to get out fast to avoid breaking the Prime Directive. Unfortunetly, the only way the Watashi saw to end the disagreement was to destroy their sun with massed mult-phasic cannons, so no one could own the dark matter resources. Yes, Lt.Mbo remembered sadly, that was the day when they shot the star of the Kownti down....--Lt.Mbo