The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105363   Message #2167312
Posted By: Bee
09-Oct-07 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Feral Cat Advice?
Subject: BS: Feral Cat Advice?
I'll be talking to my vet tomorrow, but want to know some of the Mudcat catters' experience - I know some of you have dealt with feral cats.

I've mentioned this kitty before - she showed up a couple months ago, and looks to be about six-seven months old now, and I've tracked her origin to a local couple who feed a small group of ferals, but otherwise ignore their health and tendency to procreate lavishly, and they never handle them. She never left, even when initially not fed, having apparently fallen in love with our own pampered puss.

Of course, as she got thinner and more hollow about the cheeks, we started feeding her, as obviously no one else was. About a week ago, she finally started letting me pet her, first for just a few seconds before running away, and now she will come looking for pets if I sit quietly for a few minutes, take food from my fingers, and even allow me to briefly lift her a few inches off the ground. She seems very non-aggressive. Now my husband has generously (trust me, it's generous of him) said that we can pay to have her spayed and needled, providing we can catch her and the vet will put up with a wild kitty.

I don't know if it will ever be possible to make a house pet of her (but there's a chance, given her recent behaviour), but if I can tame her enough, there's the possibility she might be able to move into a closeby neighbour's warm shed and be fed regularly, which at least gives her a chance against winter and coyotes.

So have any of you ever taken a feral cat to the vet without wounds to anyone concerned? Any thoughts, advice? I think I can catch her, and I have a carrier.