The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105380   Message #2168163
Posted By: Davie_
10-Oct-07 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: quit smoking
Subject: RE: BS: quit smoking
I smoked approx 2 packs a day for 40 years im now 54. I tried all the gums, patches, Zyban etc etc..nothing was going to stop me from enjoying my smoke. First thing in the morning, last thing at night if I couldnt sleep I would have a ciggie to relax more,every photo ever taken of me, I have a cig in my hand.
My wife my daughters everyone thought I would smoke till I died.

On 10th May this year, I awoke and was feeling a little poorly, I still rolled my morning ciggie though, but when I puffed on it I wasnt enjoying it, so I decided I didnt fancy it. I have been telling myself that ever since, and it is working...6 months no cigs,no feels good not to smoke, I still fancy one every now and again, but as the chap said in earlier post...The urge passes.
I still dont class myself as a non smoker, but heyyyy, I sure feel much better...hope this helps someone..