The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65298   Message #2168184
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
10-Oct-07 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Subject: RE: Origins: Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
leeneia is correct in that "I've Been Working..." is a put together song, or medley. Like Topsy, it jes' grew. This has been discussed by several writers.

"Someone's in de kitchen, ....strummin' on de ole banjo" was not in the "Levee Song" as published in "Carmina princetonia," but was cobbled in later (I have forgotten when or by whom, if known, perhaps mentioned in one of the threads).
We used to sing that verse with its own little chorus-

Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
(or Rachel, in a common variant)
Someone's in the kitchen I know -o-o-ow
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Strummin' on the ole banjo.
An' singin',
Fee, fi, fiddli-i-o
Fee, fi, fiddli-i-o-o-o
Fee, fi, fiddli-i-o
Strummin' on the old banjo.

More likely 'Gab-rel' blew the horn, not Dinah. This appears in versions including the "Eyes of Texas (1903)."
(Speculation- "The Eyes..." revision appeared in a University of Texas Cowboy minstrel show done in blackface. 'Dinah' and other obvious minstrel references may have been changed to Gabriel in later, printed editions)

leeneia makes a serious error regarding 'live-long'. This is still sung in "The Eyes of Texas;" it is common to and not foreign to the tongues of educated university students, although it might be to folk singers. (Harrumpff!)

It is fun (although not productive) to speculate about the minutiae of a song, more than likely the original composer(s) didn't think about them.