The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20678   Message #216878
Posted By: GUEST, Threadie
24-Apr-00 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: Love the 'CAT' Balance Right Now.
Subject: RE: Love the 'CAT' Balance Right Now.

C.B.S. News.....Eye on America...

....Our senior staff reporter Myron Thread is at the scene.....

What have you got for us, Myron?

Well, Dan, it seems that peace has once again come to the Mudcat.
The gradual invasion of the Overblownegonians, who troll for tea and sympathy has been stemmed somewhat by massive counter-measures of anti-matter aimed squarely at the perpetrators' midriffs.
This upsurge in the neighborhood local resistance stemmed from a call to arms on behalf of the True Consciences to 'Catters worldwide in their attempts to nip this sinister infiltration as close to the bud as was possible.
A spokesman for the organization, who only wished to be identified as A.C., said "Can someone please pass the skins, now".

Obviously some sort of secret message, there Dan.

And what of the Overblownegonians? Has there been any comment form them yet, Myron?

Not so far, Dan. It seems that their self-styled leader, a rather reclusive foreigner with a beard, has been keeping himself to himself, and chooses to ignore all protests to his authority from members of the opposition parties.
For the moment all is calm, albeit with a certain cautious disbelief that things could be this good. A.C. has told C.B.S. News, and this reporter, that the danger is not over.
"These cats, man. You kno', they ain't never far away. It's their vocation, man. These dudes, these Blownegonoverians, they like to mess you up. They like jackin' with your head, man. They need the attention."
Mr. A.C. went on to say that sooner or later they will gradually start to spread their evil trite among Mudcatters again, and warned the public to be extra vigilant.
