The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105418   Message #2169458
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Oct-07 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Standard experiences you have missed
Subject: RE: BS: Standard experiences you have missed
Aw, c'mon, Spaw. You're already known far and wide as a total jackoff, right? ;-)

But seriously, man...I too was a bit puzzled the first time I heard the expression "throw a fuck". I heard it from Jim. Jim was a real classic blue collar semi-reformed hellraiser from Newmarket, Ontario. He was the kind of guy who would fit in great in Rapaire's Idaho Legion...he had all the macho qualifications. Mind you, Jim was not stupid, not at all, but he was relentlessly rough hewn, pretty much "uneducated" in the academic sense, very streetwise in both inclination and manner.

We were working together at the gas station on Highway 11. Jim found me intriguing, because I'm totally opposite to him in just about every way. I found him intriguing for the same reason. I'm a thinker who likes to read esoteric literature. Jim's a man of action who likes to fix old cars, drink, and party.

At any rate, Jim had a lot of salty expressions and most of them had something to do with sex.

He would observe female customers like a pirate assessing the value of a harborfront cargo, and he would make various deadpan wisecracks out of their hearing...

"I'd f*ck her on a dime..." was one of his favorites. It meant "at a moment's notice"..."anywhere, any time, any acceptable method".

"She's a spot counter." he observed one day, as a well-dressed woman marched busily back to her car.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She's the type," he said, with the air of a man who knows whereof he speaks, "who, yer throwin' her a f*ck and she's lookin' at the ceiling and counting the spots! She's goin' one..........two..............three....(very bored tone of voice)"

I burst out laughing. "Oh, you mean she's frigid, do you? How can you tell?"

"Simple," he said. "I can spot that type a mile away. Her ass is so tight it would bust a broom handle."

Jim was always quite sure about things like that.

So, anyway, that was the first time I ever heard that expression you alluded to, Spaw, and in fact Jim remains the only person I have ever heard it from to this day, but I'm sure he's not alone.