The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105494   Message #2171741
Posted By: PoppaGator
15-Oct-07 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: BS/'quote-unquote'
Subject: RE: BS/'quote-unquote'
When I was much younger, I was offended by the not-strictly-logical use of the phrase "quote/unquote" without putting the word(s) being "quoted" between the verbalized punctuaton marks.

I've since gotten over it, and am now emotionally able to accept this very common usage.

While "quote/unquote" often modifies the single word that follows, it can also modify a phrase of two or more words, but the speaker's intention is almost always very clear, without any necessity for placing the word(s) intended to be modified between the words "quote" and "unquote."

In fact, I've overcome my earlier pedantic objection so completely that I now use this expression myself from time to time.

There are other common-but-illogical expressions that still bug me and that I still refuse to honor by employing them myself. For example: "I could care less," where the actual intended meaning is "I couldn't care less."