The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49016   Message #2171924
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
15-Oct-07 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: Help: Meaning of Six White Horses
Subject: RE: Help: Meaning of Six White Horses
Dicho opined:

The poor relations are waiting for her to show up with her matched team and conveyance, which will be loaded with chicken and dumplings and everything else that their covetous hearts desire.

Afraid not, Dicho. She's important, and gloriously welcome, and they're going to put on the chicken--uhh, dog for her. "We'll kill the old red rooster when she comes. We'll all have chicken and dumplings when she comes."   Nothing in the song that I've ever heard suggested that she was bringing the makings of the festive meal. It's gen-you-wine southern mountain hospitality!

Dave Oesterreich