The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20612   Message #217220
Posted By: DonMeixner
24-Apr-00 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Americans with Guns Cont. +
Subject: RE: Americans with Guns Cont. +
As a shooter, gun owner and former hunter I have read this and the previous related threads with interest. I have made the realization that neither side will convince the other that their side is right or wrong. I will post my feelings tho'

1. I can no more cut wild flowers for a display of narure indoors that I can shoot a deer anymore and have the head monted for the wall. Both are trophys of the hunt and both are impermanent. More importantly both are lives wasted for human admiration. I'd now rather see them in the wild.

2. I am glad that there are those who hunt. The great New Jersey experiment to let deer maintain themselves and stop the barbarous practice of hunting meant several winters of deer, starved slowly by over population on too limited graze.

3. The sale of hunting and fishing liscenses in NY State has guaranteed development of wild bird sanctuaries (No Hunting Zones) and wetlands where the upland birds and water fowl may safely breed and re populate. This practice has returned ring-neck pheasant, wild turkeys, and grouse from the edge of endangerment to a viable population in the state once again.

My fishing liscence also helps to maintain two fish hatcheries that are helping to populate trout, salmon, walleye and norlunge in the lakes of central NY. Creating a valuable fishing industry for some under invested and utilized lower economic regions in the state.

4. I own several guns. 3 shotguns, 2 muzzleloading rifles, a 45-70 Springfiled, .32 Special Winchester. # Pistols of various caliber, (Calibre for the Brits.) The pistols are in the safe, the long guns in closet, all stored in different rooms on different floors from the catridges which are also locked. I shoot targets only anymore with them but I shoot carefully on ranges and I am very good. Before the saw injury I would have been ranked expert with a pistol with both hands.

5. My favorite weapon for wildlife is a Killians Red Longneck or Bombay Gin and Tonic. I prefere on or two long slow rounds. Any more is too much fire power for me. I also like the 85-205mm on a Minolta auto advance. Brings 36 rounds in under 11 seconds. With that kind of fire power I don't even have to aim. One of those shots is sure to hit something worth keeping.

This is the face of this American with a gun. Middle aged, slightly short for my weight, and carefull and considerate. Just like nearly all the people I know who shoot.

And I can only speak for the people in my neck of the woods. Because its the only place I know for sure.
