The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105418   Message #2172482
Posted By: Bill D
16-Oct-07 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Standard experiences you have missed
Subject: RE: BS: Standard experiences you have missed
ahem! In the spirit of the original question...(a thing sadly ignored by various unnamed varlots)...

I have never:
smoked a cigarette, seen an Flying Saucer..(though I have seen UFOs..(unidentified frying objects), read all them books by Mr. Tolkien about Hobbits and stuff, had frostbite, Remembered the Maine..(or even the Alamo, I guess), tied a yellow ribbon around anything, been on skis, been paid for singing...(umm..nor been paid NOT to sing), been out of North America...(damn it!), watched a complete episode of The Simpsons, had a blood transfusion, run a serious LONG race, parachuted...(why would anyone want to get OUT of a perfectly good plane?), broken any bones...mine or others, had a crew cut, bought OR sold dope (free is different), gotten my thrill on Blueberry Hill, been proselytized at by the Salvation Army..(they ignored me), eaten a Persimmon...or a turnip, and....I'm very sure I have never had sex with Little Hawk....the line was too long.