The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20612   Message #217255
Posted By: SDShad
24-Apr-00 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Americans with Guns Cont. +
Subject: RE: Americans with Guns Cont. +
Oh, yeah. And kat, while I don't too much expect my house to be stormed by militia types any time soon, I have in my more contentious online past quite publically ridiculed White Aryan Resistance members and other various Holocaust deniers, neonazis, and self-styled "sovereign patriots" on Usenet using my real name, so I imagine somewhere, my name is way down on some loner skinhead flamer's list of "race traitors" and "people to be put against the wall when the revolution comes." I imagine their "revolution" will very well fizzle before they get that far down the list, though.
