The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105191   Message #2173352
Posted By: GUEST,Yet Another Secret Santa Sort! (Animaterra)
17-Oct-07 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Messages '07-Santas, Come Play!
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Messages '07

This Secret Santa is taking the job seriously. Extensive research is the result. A few tears have been shed along the way--sufficient to say there will be no coal in your stocking this year, my dear!

I must ask a personal question, but seeing as secrecy is an issue, I must ask it in a public place lest I give myself away. It concerns question number 9:

Do you wear some other form of clothing, or must I cross garments completely off the list of possibilities? I visualize you sitting in a chair with a ukulele, naked save for a scarf around your neck and a Mudcat shawl around your shoulders.

Your assistance is urgently requested to solve this puzzle!