The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20758   Message #217527
Posted By: Billy the Bus
25-Apr-00 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Cull (Anzac Day song)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: ANZAC DAY song THE CULL

Bob, we got cross-posted, what is this BS about the Earstern Islands [Explosion of compulsive laughter] Bob, I won't correct the typo, I LOVE it, and promise to use it at all times. Us Kiwi don't just talk funny to you Aussies, we listen funny too, from up our arse, which is the right place, because you Aussies always talk shit.....;)

How irreverant on Anzac Day, when we're supposed to be cobbers....;)

Anyway, now the tears have stopped streaming down my leg, I'll continue with what I was going to say....

All real residents of the South Pacific (I'm not being Pacific, I'm flamin' a flamin Oz) know there are SIX islands in our neck of the woods. We can recite them from birth, in order of priority.....;)

1. Stewart Island

2. Chatham Island(s)

3. Um...... South Island

4. Ummmmmm..... North Island (south of JAFA land)

5. Tazzie

6. And, there's annuver one just north. Yeah, West Island...;)

CYA - Sam