The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105662   Message #2176458
Posted By: Folkiedave
22-Oct-07 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Folk Music and Class
Subject: RE: Folk Music and Class
Dick, people can define class in all sorts of ways and it would be nice to know which one you use. I have never suggested that the term "middle-class" is derogatory by the way.

If you believe that 90% of the folk scene is middle-class you are free to assert that - it is just people would take more notice of you if you had some sort of citation, a survey for example would be regarded as good evidence. If it is anecdotal evidence then say so. (It would have little value IMHO but that is your privilege).

Define class by income, by occupation, by education, by housing or by authority position are all ways that are used depending on circumstance. When it was done by occupation there were major problems since women were virtually excluded as was unpaid work in the home - for example. By income - I know plumbers (generally regarded as working class) that earned a lot more than I did as a lecturer (generally regarded as upper-middle). There are similar difficulties with all definitions.

We live in a complex society and most people who have studied the subject at any level find "class" a difficult subject.

I am not attacking you. I just asking how you know that 90% of the folk-scene is middle class. And to tell me that, you need a definition of class. And so far you have said it is difficult to define.

I couldn't agree more!