The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105621   Message #2176567
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
22-Oct-07 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: Origins of Samhain
Subject: RE: Origins of Samhain

"Les, if you look at articles about Samhain you'll find information about views relating to it as the end of summer, end of the year, "Celtic New Year" and the like. If you feel you can trust it, there's a Wikipedia entry for Samhain which contains an overview of it."

Thanks again BB for your information. I think the problem we have in interpreting any information or more usually someones views about recent vestiges of old practices that people will say and repeat all kinds of things with out much evidence. Wickepedia is great fun but not a reliable source, especially in this context.

The idea of the New Year starting after the Harvest seems easier to explore than most ancient stuff.

The other problem is the bluing of possible facts with mythological fiction. The quotes from Jim are a good example. What on earth does it tell us about actual farming communities did before they were christened?

Thanks again
