The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20596   Message #217809
Posted By: GUEST,Middle Ground
25-Apr-00 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism
It seems to me that there are too many extreme perspectives surrounding this thread.

I drank to excess from 15-22...quite a lot. I decided on my own to stop.

For a brief time a friend convinced me to go to 12-step. I think there are good things about these programs, but that they are only for some people. I also found alot of unhealthy, unhappy people who had been clean and in the program for a long time. And who also did not tolerate other viewpoints. Many times I was told that if I questioned aspects of the was "my disease talking". I was pretty self aware at that point, and did not agree with that sentiment. I stopped going to 12-step and decided to see a counselor.

I went to a life counselor and spent alot of time maturing and learning how to enjoy life without substances. After being abstinent for 11 years, my counselor suggested that I wasn't an alcoholic and that I might be ready to try moderate drinking.

I did, and have been doing well ever since. I don't drink everyday and I limit the amount I drink because I like to feel good. And being drunk and hungover dont feel good. I now have many friends who drink responsibly or not at all. I don't hang out with people who are drunks.

For me, it was about maturing and learning to take personal responsibilty for my actions. I'm glad I took the time off from drinking, and I would do it again if it ever became a problem again.

Food, alcohol, drugs, skiing, jogging, etc....all can kill you if used in excess, but they are pleasurable if used in *moderation*....and they can be used in moderation...

To the original poster....if you cannot stop, get help, it's out there. In fact, it would probably be a good idea to stop for some time, and work on the underlying problems that are contributing to your drinking. But look carefully at all the different options for getting help. 12-step may work for you but it is not the only way...and every person is different, and different people need different strategies for overcoming problems.

Check out the Stanton Peele site for alternative viewpoints to 12-step groups....