The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20612   Message #217885
Posted By: Jim Krause
25-Apr-00 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: Americans with Guns Cont. +
Subject: RE: Americans with Guns Cont. +
I tried being a vegetarian once. Made me fart a lot. Them beans and boiled cabbage, brussels sprouts, & cauliflower just did a number on my insides. Learned how to make bread though.

But back to this gun thing, all kidding aside, I use mine mostly for target shooting. And believe it or not, it rather reminds me of what acquaintances mean when they talk about meditation. They talk about controlled breathing, being very mindful of the present, and so on. I realized that I was doing the same thing, controlling my breathing, and being very mindful of the present. Now I have always shot muzzloloading rifles and shotguns. I don't have much experience with modern suppository guns. I did shoot one once. After shooting muzzloloaders for twenty years, I thought the repeater was pretty tame. As far as the actual eating of meat, I prefer buffalo, deer, or elk when I can get it to beef many times over. Chicken is ok, but I'd rather have phesant. And I guess that means I gotta go out and get my own.

I think all the above postings are interesting. Perhaps not everyone in the US should have the right to own guns. But who is to say? And how does a nation shut down a black market? That's basically what any prohibition does is to create a black market. It's a tough nut to crack.