The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105726   Message #2179759
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
26-Oct-07 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: Happy Birthday Splott Man (60)
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday Splott Man (60)
Penblwydd Hapus i ti Ned.
Just 'cos you're 60 it isn't the end of the road. Just remember....

Don't jump off the roof, Ned.
You'll make a hole in the yard.
Patty's just planted petunias,
The weeding & seeding was hard.
If you must end it all, Ned.
Can't you find some other way?
Just take a trip down through Splott, Ned.
And throw yourself into the Bay!

Paid ti â neidio o'r tô, Ned,
Mi dora di dwll yn yr ardd.
Mae Pat wedi chwysu dros chwynnu
A phlannu'r petiwnias bach hardd
Ond os wyt ti'n benset ar farw,
Siawns nad oes ffordd arall yn llai
Aflwyddiannus, fel mynd lawr i Sblot, Ned,
A thaflu dy hun mewn i'r Bae.

(Translation services from Siân, West Wales)

All the best, see you tonight.

CHEERS, Hwyl Dda,