The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105774 Message #2180989
Posted By: Donuel
28-Oct-07 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nobel peace prize for Pete Seeger?
Subject: RE: BS: Nobel peace prize for Pete Seeger?
There are folks like Tom Delay, Dick Army and Bill Crystal who would love to attack the nomination of Pete Seagar. They recently were served up a softball regarding a museum for Woodstock. McCain was able to hit that one out of the park.
ITs not about love of course but they* would be quick to point out that Pete was a commumist, a liberal and an anti war demonstrator. He was also great friends with Eleanor Roosevelt. He also helped clean up the Hudson River after General Electric ruined it with PCBs that have since spread pole to pole.
* (the exreme right who love standing armies of never ending imperial wars)