The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105876   Message #2181932
Posted By: GUEST,TJ in San Diego
29-Oct-07 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: songs that made us laugh
Subject: RE: songs that made us laugh
A Canadian duo of some repute, Bowser and Blue, were commissioned to write a celebratory song for a conference of colo-rectal surgeons. Delivered in a mock-serious performance, they "brought the house down," with the teary-eyed doctors convulsing in laughter. When my son played it for me, I nearly did the same. I don't have all the lyrics, but I do recall the following:

"We praise the colorectal surgeon,
Misunderstood and much maligned;
Slaving away in the heart of darkness,
Workin' where the sun don't shine."

I'm sure the rest is out there on the "net" somewhere.