The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20596   Message #218373
Posted By: Jon Freeman
26-Apr-00 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism
Alcoholics should be credited for:

1. Child and wife abuse

Even female alcholics? Besides that child and wife abusers should take the credit for what they do regardless of whether they are alcoholics or not.

2. Reckless and dangerous driving habits DUI

True, it is hard not to drive under the influence without a drink but you don't have to be an alcholoic to drink and drive on the other hand I am an alcholohic but I don't drive through choice.

3. Insulting demeanor and behavior to others

OK Frank, I not had a drink today and I think you are talking through your arse. I often post here after 8 or more pints without being insulting. Again, it is a persons nature that makes them behave as they do after drink, not the drink or any part of an alchololic condition.

4. Irresponsible public displays

Drunks may put on these displays but Frank, alcholosim is a condition, people like myself just keep topping up all day. It is more a matter of keeping a certain amount of alcholol on the blood stream than getting drunk. I can think of many non-alcholics who are far more likely to do something irresponsible after a few drinks that I would be.

5. If performers, blatant disregard for the audience

I have occasionally done paid work, oddly enough I have always rehearsed, turned up on time and in a fit condition to play. i wish I could say the same for some of my non-alcholic partners. Again Frank, you are talking about something you know nothing about and you are trying to define a persons nature by the fact they drink.

6. Instigating barroom brawls

Well Frank, in around 25 years of drinking in bars, I have never instegated a fight and I have only got involved on a couple of occasions. On these occasions, it has been to help split a fight up rather than to join in. I will admit that the majority of fights I have witnesed have been caused by somebody under the influence of some substance or other but in my experience, they are normally caused by kids who can't handle what ever they are taking rather than by hardened alchoholics.

7. Disregard for the feelings of other people

Like I say Frank... no I won't this time.

8. Corrupting and degrading influences on others

What are you on Frank?

9. Self-destructive personal habits


10. Occasional dissheveled appearance


11. Prevarication and dissembling

Maybe - maybe not.

12. Supporting the alcohol industry = organized crime

Please explain.

13. Advocating a gateway drug

Or getting caught up addicted to a substance that has been legal all my like. Perhaps you should point you finger somewhere other than at the victims Frank.

14. Working in tandem with tobacco users

I smoke tobacc but I don't see what you are getting at.

15. Fostering the myth that alcohol is good for you.

I believe it is in SMALL doses but not to excess.

16. Fostering the myth that good works can't be done without it.

I've never heard that said from any alchoholic I know. Where did you get that myth from Frank?
