The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99168   Message #2183775
Posted By: Anne Lister
31-Oct-07 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Parma Violet Sweets - reaction????
Subject: RE: BS: Parma Violet Sweets - reaction????
I hated them as a child so haven't sought them out as an adult. Love Hearts, on the other hand, or Refreshers ... yum!

Incidentally, picking up LTS's comments on medieval people "never heard of tooth decay" - well, yes, they knew all about the effects, except not what caused it. Which is why you won't see any smiling portraits of important people from the past - their teeth were dreadful. Only rich people were able to afford a lot of sweet stuff, though. Sugar was a real luxury, and otherwise it was parsnips (dried) or honey or other substitutes.
