The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105792   Message #2184511
Posted By: GUEST,TB303
01-Nov-07 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: Davey Graham: what a waste
Subject: RE: Davey Graham: what a waste
Ive just found this thread & its took me an hour to read every post.

I went to the Lowry gig this last Tuesday evening.

I have held DG in very high esteem for many years since i first heard 'Folk Blues, I was elated when i found out he was touring. Fortunatly the evening before the gig i trawled the net for reviews on his tour, so was a bit prepared for what i may encounter. (I think the review was in The Independent) I found at times i felt embaressed for DG on stage, He tried to do too much, too fast, Lapses of concentration, bum notes & erratic timing. The sparkle IS still there but being masked by something. I dont think Pavey is doing him many favours.

After the excellent JOHN SMITH had finished & we went outside for a fag, DG was walking down the stairs into the emerging crowd with Pavey nearly holding him up as he came down.

I cant put DG's problems down to age as ive watched Daevid Allen of GONG (of similar age) jump around like a teenager & play impeccably. The DG problems are only things he can sort himself, Pavey in my view is milking his name.

Im speaking here being a gigging musician for 20 years+ myself and have lost very close friends (and very talented musicians) to drink & drugs.
