The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105970   Message #2184884
Posted By: greg stephens
02-Nov-07 - 07:32 AM
Thread Name: Newcastle Folk Degree - is it any good?
Subject: RE: Newcastle Folk Degree - is it any good?
Diane Easby says "In short, the Newcastle degree is performance-based and although there are no formal entry requirements, it is unlikely that a student would be admitted were their abilities noticeably below Grade VIII".
    I am entirely in favour of university courses to study folk music. But if any such course imposed that sort of entry condition,whether formally or informally, I think it should be closed forthwith until they figured out what they are supposed to be studying. Grade VIII indeed! Some great folk musicians have vast technical ability. Some have virtually none. Or not the sort of abilties measured by that grading system, anyway. The ability to play arpeggios and scales fast and accurately, and to sight read, has about as much relevance to the study of folk music as the height, sex, race or sexual orientation of the candidates.