The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105970   Message #2185017
Posted By: Peace
02-Nov-07 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: Newcastle Folk Degree - is it any good?
Subject: RE: Newcastle Folk Degree - is it any good?
One of the great pleasures of Mudcat are the posts made by people like Malcolm, Q, Jim Dixon, Masato, Joe Offer (and some others whose names have slipped me at this moment). Their research into song origins and the ways songs have changed over the years has been an education for me. Surely a university degree will mean little if the recipient has just a piece of paper with Latin words on it. But most will come out having earned a good degree with diligence and study, and that will be a good thing for the future of the music. People are wont to quote that old saw about 'those who do not learn from history . . .'. Well, the people at Newcastle will be. They are the ones who will ensure that it is not forgotten. Their resaerch will enlighten generations to come. So once again, surely . . . .