The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105994   Message #2185578
Posted By: Jeri
03-Nov-07 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: Where are the voices?
Subject: RE: Where are the voices?
I knew there was a break intuitively, but I never really understood it until not so long ago. I definitely didn't understand breath control. I sang high and 'pretty' and I could mostly pull it off - complete with all sorts of ornamental gymnastics. Nobody heard that voice because I was too shy to do anything other than blend in with the chorus. Then I smoked for years and lost a lot of the high range along with the ability to do ornamentation easily. Much has come back since I quit, but much hasn't.

When and where I grew up, young girls wanted high, sweet voices. I believe they were seen as more feminine. Maybe it's because boys' voices change and get lower so girls compensate and go higher. Voice change envy. Head voices are easier to wield quietly. Shy girls don't want to project. Sometimes their voices grow up lower. Sometimes the head voice stays with them, and if they do it well, I'm happy with that.

Mind you, I think the best thing for people who don't think deep female voices can be 'pretty' would be to have them listen to June Tabor.