The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105809   Message #2185643
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Nov-07 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Healing thoughts for Katlaughing-Tks! Done Healed!
Subject: RE: BS: Healing thoughts for Katlaughing
I'm here, Sins! Thanks for asking. Still a little shaky but cannot stand to stay in that bed one more day. So...I am up, at least. I had Morgan over last night for about 40 minutes. It was so good to get and give a hug. He was a gem, but it was still tiring. We'll try for a bit of time, today, too. I cannot believe how much of a difference there was in just a couple or three weeks. He will be 4 on the 14th and is learning by leaps and bounds.

Last night he showed how long his arms are by reaching up to the bookshelf and getting a book down where previously it'd been too high. THEN, he brought it over, opened it to a page, started "reading" it to me, while tracking the text with his finger. I exclaimed over it all, then he gave me a quick smile and said, "See?! I told you I learned to write!" He actually did pretty well from inferences from the pictures. Then he got another book, leafed through the pages and kept saying, "This one has too much peoples'" When I asked him more, I figured out he meant there was too much text (i.e. big peoples' writing) on each page. At one point he said, "Mama, this book is all peoples'! There's no pictures. That's just weird!"

Stupid Nanawrimo keeps sticking its head up. I didn't think I'd be up for t, but the darn thing keeps composing in my head. I haven't even got last year's novel to the agent, yet!

Phew....that's the most I've been able to type in ages. Guess I'd better stop for awhile.

Thanks, again, to ALL of you. What a great bunch of friends!
