The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105191   Message #2185680
Posted By: Anne Lister
03-Nov-07 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Messages '07-Santas, Come Play!
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Messages '07-Santas, Come Play!
Santa, you don't need to worry. Any gifts I receive will indeed be treasured and clasped to my rather ample bosom for as long as is appropriate. A haddock, for example, would last rather less time there than a Sean Bean (picking up on another thread). Actually, don't bother with the Sean Bean as I think my husband might object ...The last time I parted with a gift (rather more unwanted than wanted) was when I was about 6 years old and sacrificed a pack of jellied fruit (a noxious form of confectionery, if you ask me) to the greater good of a family visit to some distant relatives.   I was then heard to explain to the new recipients that "they were mine really but I didn't like them so you can have them" in tones that suggested I had in fact licked each one first.
I will be suitably grateful for all gifts, and I am also happy to be watched by elves or any other of your secret helpers to prove my honesty and good will.
Yours, ever
