The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105792   Message #2185730
Posted By: Richard Bridge
03-Nov-07 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: Davey Graham: what a waste
Subject: RE: Davey Graham: what a waste
I may well be wrong, I am no expert and I have no inside information, but I feel that if you look at even the limited amount of interview material I have seen, there are the marks of some kind of cognitive dissonance. It may be the result of bad acid, or a different drug, or it may be some kind of sociopathy, but the reactions to stimulus look odd. This may not be recent. Even old materials speak of his social difference.

I don't think that the root of this is simply motor. I don't think it is simply a current chemical impairment. I am put in mind of some of the young actors my late wife used to work with - the ones who were card carrying schizophrenics. You could almost see the dialogue between their different selves, which interrupted their conversation with you. But I don't really have any evidence.

Remember Peter Green was never the same after one bad trip.

I am however less charitable about the objectors. This man is not thier possession. Whatever problem he may have, he is worth, his irreducible worth as a human being is more, greater, on a different plane to the £17.50 per ticket. All they lose is the price of an evening's drinks. Where do they get off damning a soul, and sneering, for that?