The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105970   Message #2186070
Posted By: Richard Bridge
04-Nov-07 - 06:12 AM
Thread Name: Newcastle Folk Degree - is it any good?
Subject: RE: Newcastle Folk Degree - is it any good?
Actually, Al, the quote from Orwell is "Four legs good, two legs bad"

It was the pigs who changed it to "Four legs good, two legs better".

As to the miner's strike, Thatcher deliberately set out to smash union power, so that she could make her rich middle class friends (the daughter of a grocer) richer by enabling them to command the lower classes.   That's not simply opinion. She also made in a different context a head-on attack on the possibility of local government providing a platform for views opposed to her own, and destroyed the UK independent TV infrastrucure simply to enable her to take Thames' franchise away for the "Death on the Rock" documentary.

You need to start by appreciating that a folk song differs from a pop song.