The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105787   Message #2186508
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Nov-07 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Low US dollar, high Canadian dollar...
Subject: RE: BS: Low US dollar, high Canadian dollar...
You are a truly good person, Mr Rapaire! I can see that, but before we do our deal you need to consider a bridge that I have for sale in Coldwater, Ontario, not far from here. It seems that the bridge was left to me by my Uncle when he passed away tragically after being attacked and dismembered by several beavers, animals which are quite common here and can sometimes act in an unpredictable fashion. My tragically late Uncle left me this bridge, much to my surprise, but I do not have the time to manage a bridge so I am selling it at a fraction of its real worth.

That is not all. I know for a fact that my Uncle had concealed a fortune somewhere in the support structure of the bridge, as he did not trust the banks. There is at least 25 millions dollars ($25,000,000) in gold bullion and it is hidden within the steel supporting structures of the bridge.

Only you and I know this secret, and I would not trust the information with any other person, but I know that you are sincere and God-fearing, therefore I can trust you.

Alas, I do not have the wherewithal to dismantle the solid steel structures of the bridge. Therefore my desire is to be selling it to someone who does have the wherewithals, and I hope that you could be that person.

All your references indicate to me that you are that person, and that you are wholly honest and will not cheat me.

My plan is to sell you the bridge for the incredible tiny sum of $25,000 plus various carrying charges and documentation which can be handled by the municipality here at the time of sale.

It is then my plan to provide you and you alone with the secret map that shows in which support beam the gold is hidden. You with your many wherewithalls will open up the chamber and recover the gold, whereupon we will cash it in and do a 50/50 split, thus each getting approximately 12 and one half millions of dollars ($12,500,000 EACH).

I would only make this offer to someone I know I can trust in every regard and someone who is deserving and spotless in character, as I know you are from my investigations via the Internet.

Reply quickly and with God's will we can together consummate this fortunate arrangement. God be with you!

- Habib Suliman Jonesville IIIrd