The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20817   Message #218671
Posted By: annamill
26-Apr-00 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help me! Columbine Thread
Subject: Help me! Colunbine Thread
I just saw the feelings of the parents of the students of Culenbine(SP)! The extremly intelligent most highly educated psycology(SP) expert says this is terrible! She says we will be DEsensitized! Right! I was DEsentized to Kent State! I was DEsensitized to the Mailai(SP) Murders! WRONG!! The tapes (even with the music) should be spread as much as possible!! PAIN! is exposed.

Now, I need to get in touch with these parents. I want to tell them the tapes hurt them...and they hurt us! Spread the pain!! Don't let it happen again!!

Can anyone help me get their e-mail addresses. I will be my normal sensitive self to their pain and express my sorrow to their loss, but explain the need to let others know this pain!

Love, annap