The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106049   Message #2186950
Posted By: lefthanded guitar
05-Nov-07 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: Anyone remember the Johnny Cash tv show?
Subject: Anyone remember the Johnny Cash tv show?
I was sleepless a couple of nights ago and PBS (Channel 13 in the tri state area) ran exerpts from the Johnny Cash show. It looked liked it broadcast in the late sixties to mid seventies from clothes style, but I never remember seeing it. Was it broadcast nationwide? They showed all the musical highlights from the show, and tho it didn't help my insomnia ( I couldn't turn the set off lol) it sure made me happy.

The music and musicians they showcased on this show were magnificent, esp. a rousing and sexy version of "Jackson" by June Carter and Johnny. Wow. Also I never paid attention to Carl Perkins before, knowing only his Blue Suede Shoes- BUT he did some dynamite blues guitar and singing on Matchbox along with Johnny. A guy I'd like to know more about.

Anyone else catch the show?