The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106042   Message #2187214
Posted By: Janie
05-Nov-07 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2007
Subject: RE: Getaway 2007
Really hoping Bill D and others took a bunch of pictures. Unlike last year, I took very few (too busy having fun:>)

The music and the fellowship was just as wonderful as ever. The food was even worse than last year. But the cabins are comfortable, the showers are good, and the setting is pretty.

I do wish I had a picture of Joe Offer gracefully reclined on the couch in our cabin in a pin-up girl pose. The camera, fortunately, would not have captured the sound of his gentle snores when he dozed off in the middle of the joke he was telling.

A few random impressions....Dan and Geeta's baby is just as beautiful as you might expect him to be, and seemed to take his first Getaway right in stride....Nancy King, the proud Grandma, did a song that I have got to learn "A Satisfied Mind"....wish I had a copy of LEJ's song notebook....he said he was rusty on Harmonica - which means he must be absolutely phenomenal when all the way up to speed....lots of good stuff at the concerts, but my absolute fave was Charlie Baum's "Pharoah"....Clairebear is a tiny little woman under 5'tall with a 10' ft tall voice....even if I didn't love him, I'd want to hug Kendell, just to get a chance to pet his coat....How Amos can possibly know that many songs and play and sing them so well is beyond me...

Most important impression....The Getaway continues to be a weekend of musical empowerment and magic that is no more than a reflection of the love of music, generosity of spirit, and and vision of the people who are the FSGW. My heartfelt thanks to all of you.
