The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20662   Message #218760
Posted By: Rick Fielding
27-Apr-00 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: Song Circle Etiquette for Dummies
Subject: RE: Song Circle Etiquette for Dummies
Rich, seeing my words come back at me like that, make me feel abit "rude" myself, but obviously I find the situation frustrating.

The moment you suggest any kind of "etiquette" be a part of your song circle, someone will accuse you of "trying to take the fun out of it". I swear this happens constantly. It happens here on Mudcat, without fail. The most often-heard criticism is that you're "trying to make people into professionals!!" I just get really sick of it.

The best "music circle" I've participated in recently was at the home of Barbara and Frank Shaw (Mudcatters of course) in Connecticut. Several folks of varying degrees of experience...but ALL WITH SOCIAL SKILLS! So there was no need for 'rules". T'was fun.

The Circle that Black Walnut and Tony Burns spoke of had the same kind of feeling, the one time I was there. The folks have respect for the music AND each other. You can (and should) ask that of a gathering.
