Aaaaaaarrggghhh,I nearly caught up with y'all "live" for a few minutes, but I gat a decidedly sticky ball (mousewise). Didn't have it cleaned, before we had to head out on the road - a last minute group of tourists arrived. Dammit, would have loved an on-line chat while listening to MCR with ya'll. From your comments it sounds like a smashing show.
Doubly disappointing - It's my Birfday (27 April here).
kat - Give Colin my love today/tomorrow (Hmm.. it's 4:30pm, NZST, -16hrs for EST - must be about NOW) Between us we have reached the noble age of 87yrs. Hope he's feeling young 'cos I'm feeling that age without any outside assistance. It's been a long, hard summer - only about 5 real "days off" since October. I'm "peopled-out", and knackered.
Max - a word of advise from an old fart, twice your age! Keep up the good work and never grow up, or, you'll be like me at the moment.......
Feeling Old - oh, what an appropriate title for me for Episode XXXII. Hmm... 1975 - I was just back in harness, after a coupe of years on the road. Oh for the "good ol' days" ...
Anyway, off to the Pub now for a quaint Kiwi custom. Since it's MY birthday, I "shout" (buy drinks for my mates) - just a down-under way of doing things - not even sure if my OzCobs do it...;)
Then, back home, with a whisky, for a solitary stream of semi consciousness, listening to Episode XXXII - at least if I post to this thread, those who followed it will follow my ravings, if you follow what I mean.
Wish I'd caught you live. We'll keep that for a future pleasure.
Cheers - Sam