The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106049   Message #2187614
Posted By: PoppaGator
06-Nov-07 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: Anyone remember the Johnny Cash tv show?
Subject: RE: Anyone remember the Johnny Cash tv show?
Yeah, I should have remembered that the Ryman is still occasionally used for live shows. There was an excellent theatrical film just a year or two ago of a specially-produced Neil Young concert in that wonderful venue.

I'm glad to hear that Lucinda had a chance to appear there; there wouldn't by any chance be a DVD of her concert, would there?

I was at a convention in Nashville back in 1986 and took the guided tour of the Ryman, which at that time was not being used for performances at all, the Opry having just recently moved to suburban "Opryland."

When the tour guide marched our group out onto the stage ~ and after giving us a few moments to appreciate the great view of that wonderful auditorium, with its curved rows of banked seating ~ she had us all sing a verse of "You Are My Sunshine" together, and then announced, "Now you can tell everyone you meet that you sang on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry."