The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20596   Message #218806
Posted By: Hyperabid
27-Apr-00 - 04:32 AM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism

I think you are failing to draw a line between users and people who have fallen into addicitve diseases...

Secondly, you dismiss all the other points made in the last posting because you don't like the first one.

I still stick with the fact that prohibition and condemnation breed as many problems as they cure.

Sweden and Norway both have restrictive alchohol regimes and some of the highest alchoholism rates in Europe and Scnadinavia. The US import 50 times the amount of Marijuana illegally than the UK yet has only 5 times the population and the strictest drug laws in the developed world.

Don't get me wrong... I have a strong degree of personal empathy with people who need to draw strong lines in their lives to get through the problems brought on by addiction. I find these life standards brave and uncompromising and the spirit needed to stick to them an inspiration.

All I am saying is that the problem of addicitive behaviour is not helped by current attitudes from central government in the developed world. Medical treatments programmes are often more about maintenance on lower risk substitutes... Help organisations are voluntary and receive minimal government aid... and we push those that need our help into the background with the law.

My £0 0s 0d - again
