The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20817   Message #218856
Posted By: Grab
27-Apr-00 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help me! Columbine Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Help me! Colunbine Thread
Can anyone tell me what this tape would be for? Maybe I'm missing something here, not being American? But how's showing a video to someone going to put them off?

If you're sick enough (and I use sick to mean illness, rather than as a judgemental thing) to go on the rampage through a school, a la Columbine and Dunblane, what's a video going to do? By that point you're beyond any kind of reason - the people who do this are not rational creatures, and cannot be swayed be logic or empathy. If they felt empathy for their victims, they wouldn't be doing it! And if you're not that sick, then all you're going to do is find the video offensive, or gratuitous.

My point is that to show such a tape to everyone is unpleasant for nearly everyone, and for those at whom it's allegedly targetted it's irrelevant, cos they're not reasoning rationally anyway. Of course, the people at whom it's really aimed are the same low-intellect folks who watch wrestling and other predigested TV crap - I bet that tape got a high viewer rating. Never underestimate the tendency for TV to cater to the lowest instincts...
