The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20596   Message #218865
Posted By: Jon Freeman
27-Apr-00 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism
Frank you introduced much of the latest round of the heated debate. You are as Hyperabid said, guilty of confusing acloholic addiction with Drunkenness. You are also judging a persons personality with no knowledge of what goes on inside that person.

You comment on a little hostility from me. Come on Frank do you really expect to suggest that you can, by implication, accuse me of being a child and wife abuser, suggest that I have an insulting nature, start fights in pubs, etc without attracting a little hostility. Get real Frank, this is nothing to do with alcholism. Non alcoholics would be angered by the same suggestions that you made.

Protect their life style? You are full of shit. Having to have a drink to calm down and relax, etc, is not a happy condition are you so blind and stupid to think that I enjoy waking up feeling ill and knowing that the easiest solution is to have another drink because then I will feel OK. I want out, am trying to get out and I have received helpful advice from people here and there are Mudcatters who were aware that I was struggling and wanted out before this thread started.

Your comments are worthless and inaccurate and I shall be grateful to see you leave this subject alone at least until you are able to separate fact from your own predjudice.
