The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20817   Message #218876
Posted By: Gern
27-Apr-00 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help me! Columbine Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Help me! Colunbine Thread
My understanding is different on this. One of the parents says the video DOES show dead bodies and graphic footage, that the networks gratefully haven't shared. This mother saw her daughter's body being dragged out of the library. I can't imagine the benefit of broadcasting this pain, although I appreciate the original poster's feelings on this. She (?) says she would not be desensitized, but she cannot speak for others who cannot control their blooklust. How many students would view footage of a shot-up school library and say "Cool!"? I guess any decision to release such footage should require the approval of all parents involved. The sale of film displaying the death of my child would be a trauma hard to endure, for people who have already suffered immeasurably. As with graphic pictures of war atrocities and controversial surgical procedures... can't we sympathize without delving in bloody images and invading the privacy of victims?