The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20817   Message #218908
Posted By: katlaughing
27-Apr-00 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help me! Columbine Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Help me! Colunbine Thread
Annap, thanks for that. I have to admit I didn't think it sounded quite like you, even an upset you, but it didn't come off the way you intended. Sorry and thansk very much for coming back to clarify it.:-)

According to the newspaper this monrning, the video is about 30 minutes long; has been used as a training tape in over 82 seminars across the US and Canada; was "adapted by a firefighter" from raw footage; shows no dead bodies, but does show obvious bloodstains and markers of where bodies were; and shows a boy, who was shot & paralyzed, being dragged by his feet to rescue.

According to the same story, the Jefferson COunty Attorney is making copies of the tape available to the public for $25. This, after the families of vicitms had to go to court and fight for the right to view footage. One family member questioned where the money is going to go.

The article also mentioned the music behind it, which includes the song, "If it were up to me", by Cheryl Wheeler: "Maybe it's the movies, maybe it's the books, maybe it's the drugs, maybe it's the parents.....Maybe its the end, but I know one thing. If it were to me, I'd take away the guns."

From what I've read, I can see no earthly reason for the police to have done this, esp. in making it available to any sicko who gets off on watching such stuff. I seems it should be a gross violation of the families right to privacy or something.

Annap, no need to apologise for starting this thread. Where else but at the Mudcat can we share such strong emotions AND get intelligent, genuine concern, care, and perspectives so well said? If you hadn't started it, someone else probably would have.

